

In terms of Section 6 of the National Library of South Africa Act, the NLSA is controlled by a Board of Directors. The Minister of Arts and Culture appoints Board members from a short list drawn up by an advisory panel after a public call for nominations. The Chief Executive Officer of the NLSA, known as the National Librarian, is an ex officio member.

The Board of Directors has a large degree of autonomy; it can formulate the policies of the NLSA (in consultation with the Minister); approve its budget; appoint the Chief Executive Officer, management team and other employees; and determine the remuneration and benefits of employees. In this respect, the governance of the NLSA resembles that of other South African statutory institutions such as universities, national research institutions and museums.

Meet the Board of Directors

The Accounting Authority of the NLSA is referred to as the Board. The Board is responsible for strategic direction and steers the NLSA towards a sustainable future. To achieve the objectives of the NLSA as prescribed in the NLSA Act, the Board ensures that the NLSA has adequate resources to advance its mission. The Board is also tasked with ensuring that that the NLSA practices good governance and complies with legislation. The Board is appointed by the Minister of Arts and Culture as mandated in the NLSA Act for a period of three years.

Meet the Executive Management Team

The Executive Management Team is the driving force behind the strategy of the National Library of South Africa

Meet the Management Team

The Management Team is the driving force behind the operational success of the National Library of South Africa

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